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Gift Coaching Sessions

It’s so hard to know what is right and what is wrong to give someone who has been diagnosed or continuing to live on and off with cancer. Family, friends and co-workers want to do something to help. The one constant I have found through my own journey and through others is that we need to be able to talk about what we are going through with someone has also experienced it. Many of my clients have found me through friends who gave them the gift of cancer coaching during those first few months.

Gift your loved one hope, support, and positivity by gifting them a session with Cancer Coach, Brooke Taylor.

Conducted by phone or on Zoom, this 1-hour session will give individuals the opportunity to focus on their unique situation and discuss tools to help them move out of fear and into a place of strength.

Working with a cancer coach over a period of time will not only give you support in the moment but the tools and techniques wil become second nature as clients learn and practice new skills. The Cancer Journey Institute recommends a 3-month minimum to capitalize on the client’s growth momentum. Sessions are offered for a 1-time session to get acquainted or a monthly fee that consists of three individual 1-hour session per month

All sessions are confidential so clients can feel safe and secure.

Select an image for your gift card:

The drawings are all illustrated by Brooke’s Mom, a 30-year cancer survivor.


Two of my breast cancer mentors are my Mom, Jana Austin and my Mother-In-Law, Fran DiGiacomo. These two women paved the way for me to take on a breast cancer diagnosis with strength. They both have defied the odds, shocked doctors and lived with cancer reoccurrence. Jana and Fran are artists and found that cancer brings physical and emotional challenges that begin at diagnosis and continue throughout treatment and throughout survivorship. You may feel a wide range of normal emotions that come and go, such as depression, anxiety, grief, anger, hopelessness, loss of control, guilt or low self-esteem. Art therapy can support emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs of cancer clients to help them find relief.

Jana’s Corner

Fran DiGiacomo

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